Tuesday, December 14, 2004

US falls behind the French

The US is lagging behind the rest of the world (and France) in yet another category. Our schools are falling apart, our health care system is extremely overburdened, our military is under supplied and now this.


I have a few questions: How in gods name do you Launch a bridge?
Secondly, how do I get into the bridge business? Do the math 4.9 - 6.5 Euro's per toll (more for trucks - sorry dad). 15,000 to 25,000 tolls per day is apx $32.8 million Euro's per year. The damn thing only costs $394 million Euro's and the Construction Company has a 75 year concession on the job.
That's $2.94 Billion years over 75 years, less interest, construction costs and maintenance.
Finally, why on earth would you guarantee the damn thing for 120 years. Odd, time - I bet there's an interesting story there.

Brought to you by Englands only Architect - SIR NORMAN FOSTER.

I'm digging on Isaac Haynes - this morning. YEAH CHEF!

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