Friday, March 30, 2007

My experience was different but

Read this.......

I never heard mention of a gay person when I was in Cuba, but much like drugs, I was really trying to avoid any reason for the administration to lock up this yankee. In any event, this article is a really good description of the conflict that you know if you've been to and seen Cuba for what it really is, a huge beautiful wonderful paradox. I still love it in my heart and i'm begining to realize why.

Aside from the history, the forbidden quality, the music and the clandestine success of the underdog, I love the sexuality of the people. For the same reasons that our fathers loved Playboy for it's position against classic sexuality, the Cuban notion that Sex is an entertainment and prerequisite (like breathing), I am contantly amazed by this culture's fearlessness of this most basic human instinct.

Sex is neither procreative, nor is it pornographic. It is not monogomous or lurid; anonymous or matrimonial. It is fundamental, totally rewarding for as long as you are willing to give yourself to to its power.

I cannot take or undestand the prudishness rejection of it persuit by this society of Amero/Western breader.

Let them eat cake... I want flesh.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

In my spare time I torture my dog

Pearl, would like to thank Enthalpy for the suggestion. Yeah, Thanks alot!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Order of Succession

This weekend marks the end of SXSW and the hell that occurs when this falls on St. Patrick's Day. And to celebrate, I have the following little bid of trivia.

The HIPSTERS, as a means of assuring a continued power base, met in 2002 to establish a line of succession. It was realized, that when 70% of the worlds hipster were assembled in Austin during SXSW that it would be possible that by some natural disaster or act of terrorism that the majority of the hipster movement could be destroyed. This would in turn, curtail the consumption of vintage/ironic clothing and might even directly cause the Puma company in to bankruptcy. This is to say little of what would happen to the newly establish hoodie exchange.

In response to this concern, in June of 2002 the local hipster population sent delegates to meet at the Prague Hipster Amalgamated Directive (PHAD). At the time, PHAD and their power structure decided to designate an order for the succession of "the movement" so that no such tragedy would jeopardize the cause. The Vice Commandant and chief of Experimental Hair was to stay an minimum of 500 miles away from Austin during SXSW. It was also suggested that he/she may even want to consider staying at home and not frequent the garage sale circuit of Montreal, Brooklyn or LA so as to remove the chance of unilateral strikes.

The Commandant was required to keep his iphone on and in properly charged capacity.

So, now that the weekend is over we can all breath a little easier and that brave soul who weathered this weekend in a undisclosed site can ..... 'stand down'.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

This may be offensive, but I don't really care.

I wish I could sit here tonight in my warm bed and shed the disappointment of the one I used to know who stole all that money from me, but I can't. She is a thief and one day karma will deal her the hand she deserves. This makes me happy.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Happy Birthday to the later great TVZ

On an unrelated note, why does the latest James Bond movie start off with him driving a Ford (apart from product placement, i mean). Add that to he huge debt they incurred last year.

Also, pictures from NYC