Wednesday, December 22, 2004

another day

10:00 am in the City that really needs a nap. This blog has the holiday blahs. I'm ready to go on vacation for a few days and put the notion of Architecture away in a drawer and just focus on my health and families well being.

Since, i'm flying into Dallas I have a comment on some National News about the Area. The following story is from your good good friends in the Legal Profession as well as Walmart.

This is completely absurd. Hey crazy ladies mom, maybe you should have stopped her from buying the gun yourself. You knew she was crazy.

Where as I agree, background checks are about as affective as tits on a bull (hell - I could get a gun - now thats crazy), why do you think Walmart owes you $25 million? They provided the daughter a gun based on faulty information provide to them by a process. Sue the government, oh wait - the government isn't the worlds largest retailer. You know who I hate....... PEOPLE. PEOPLE SUCK.

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