Sunday, February 26, 2006

The Hills have Eyes


I’ve been watching trailers for this film for the past two days and I just can’t describe how completly stupid this film looks. Although, it’s a remake of the ’77 Wes Craven film which was also not so good but for god’s sake. There are very few things more retarded than radiation growth movies as a plot generating topic. However, this film has decided to bash New Mexico as well.

To that I can only say, that maybe New Mexico (with the exception of Santa Fe) may be spared from colonization from the new American urbanism for another 15 seconds.

On a more humorous note, my weekend was spent working a movie that was filmed in my house. It was fun and the people were very respectful, as well as attractive.

Also, there was no ricin in Moore-Hill and we are still safe…for now. Scare-mongers!!!

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